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Creating archives and compress files.


Available on most operating systems

zip file
Create or update, put file in there. If file is already existing in the archive it is replaced.
zip -r path
Create or update, put path and all below in there. Files existing in the archive are replaced.
unzip file
Extract file from and put it in the current directory
unzip path
Extract path from and put it in the current directory. Use quotes if path has wildcards.
unzip -l
List all files in the archive.
unzip -l path
List path if it is in the archive.


Available on Unix-like operating systems

tar cvf archive.tar path
Create archive.tar and put all file under path in it. Be verbose, list what is done (-v)
tar xvf archive.tar path
Extract path from archive.tar, put it in the current directory. Be verbose, list what is done (-v)
tar tf archive.tar path
List what is in archive.tar.
tar cvzf archive.tgz path
Create gzipped archive.tgz and put all file under path in it. Be verbose, list what is done (-v).
Similar for x and t, the z makes tar work on gzipped archives;
tar uvf archive.tar --no-recursion --files-from -
Read filenames from standard input e.g. as found by find and update the archive.


gzip <filename>
Compress file to <filename>.gz
gzip -c <filename>
Compress file to standard output. Can be used for log-rotation when the inode of the file should not change as the application keeps it open.
gzip -c <filename> > <filename>.gz; cp /dev/null <filename>


Available on most operating systems. Provides very good compression

7za a <archivename>.7z <files>
Add files to archive, create it when needed.
7za l <archivename>.7z
List an archive.
7za e <archivename>.7z <files>
Extract <files> from archive without path, all if <files> is omitted.
7za x <archivename>.7z
Extract <files> from archive with full path, all if <files> is omitted.