Disks and filesystems

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badblocks -v- s /dev/sdb >badblocks.log
Check a device for bad blocks
fdisk /dev/sdb
Manage disk partitions
df -h
Show filesystem block usage in human friendly format
df -i
Show filesystem inode usage
df -P
Report file-system information in parseble format.
du -shx *
Report disk usage for all files and directories in the current directory. Do not count files on other filesystems (-x) and do not follow symbolic links (default)
ls -i <file>
Show inode of <file>
rm -i <file>
Remove a file by its inode
mount -t <fstype> -o <options> <devicefile> <mountpoint>
Mount a filesystem (fstype and options can be omitted often)
mount -o loop /path/to/my-iso-image.iso /mnt/iso
Mount an .iso file


Configuration file to store mounts. Example for NFS mounts:

<host>:<path> <mountpoint> nfs defaults 0 0

Now you can mount by: mount <mountpoint>


The graphical utility Disks has a benchmark option.

dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.tmp bs=1G count=1 oflag=dsync;rm -f ./test.tmp
Check plain write speed
dd if=/dev/zero of=./test.tmp bs=512 count=1000 oflag=dsync;rm -f ./test.tmp
Latency test

On an empty disk you can do:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=8k count=10k
Test disk write speed if no filesystem exists


The unix black hole. Write always succeeds with no effect at all.
Provides an unlimited amount of null characters (ASCII 0). Can be used for cleaning disks or benchmarking (see #Performance)
Writing to /dev/zero is the same as writing to /dev/null