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Using Git

Here is a basic overview of how you can work with git@bitbucket:

Initialize git on your computer:

git config --global "<your name>"
git config --global "<your emailaddress>"
  • Add your public key in your profile - 'Personal Settings' - 'SSH keys'

Fresh project (nothing locally yet)

  • Create a "repository" (project) with a git hosting tool (like Bitbucket)
  • git clone <Look under the Clone Button Copy (or clone) the repository to your local machine
  • git remote set-url --push origin <Look under the Clone Button> Set the push URL
  • git add <filenname> Add a file to your local repository
  • git commit -m 'Reason for commit' ]
  • git push Send your changes to your master branch

For a project you have files for already

  • Create a "repository" (project) with a git hosting tool (like Bitbucket)
  • git init (initialize the local repository)
  • git pull <Repository URL(for bitbucket look under the Clone Button)> master
  • git add . (Add all file to the local repository)
  • git commit -m 'Initial upload'
  • git remote add origin <Look under the Clone Button> (Connect local to remote repository)
  • git push -u origin --all (push all committed file to remote.

Other things you can do

  • Create a "branch" (version), make a change, commit the change
  • Open a "pull request" (propose changes to the master branch)
  • "Merge" your branch to the master branch

Other commands

Check the cheatsheet for more.

git config --local -l
List your configuration for this repository (in the current directory).
git remote -v
Show 'remote' configuration.
git status -v
Show all difference between the current directory and the local repository.
git add/rm <path>
Add or remove files from the list of files to be committed (local files will be removed too).
git commit -m 'Reason for commit'
Commit changes (add/rm) to the local repository.
git commit -a
Commit all local changes to the local repository.
git branch <branchname>
Create a new branche
git checkout <branchname>
Make <branchename> current
git checkout -b <branchname>
Make <branchename> and make it current (combine above 2 commands)
git reset HEAD <path>
Reset commit status for <path>
git fetch
Fetch all changes made remote
git merge <branch>
Merge <branch> into the current branch
git branch --all
Show all branches in this repository
git push
Send the repository remote
git pull
Fetch all changes made remote and merge to current branch
git log
Show all commits