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:Get the data from <URL>
:Get the data from <URL>
See the [[OpenSSL]] page
See the [[OpenSSL]] page

Revision as of 11:00, 9 November 2022

Check network connectivity

netstat -nap
Show port status (LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, .....) and the program that owns it.
nc -v -z <host> <port>
Netcat: Tell me if we can open a connection to <host> on <port>. Without -z it works like telnet
nc -v -u -z <host> <port>
Tell me if we can open a connection to <host> on a UDP <port>
curl -vvv -k --proxy1.0 <proxyIP>:<proxyPort> <Remote URL>
Get the data from <remote URL> via <proxyIP> -k allows insecure SSL connections
curl -vvv telnet://<IP>:<port>
Just test connectivity to a port



  curl  http://${TARGET}:${PORT} --connect-timeout 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $? == 28 ]    # 28 is the curl code for connection timeout
    echo No connection to ${TARGET}:${PORT}
wget <URL>
Get the data from <URL>


See the OpenSSL page


ifconfig -a
Show all network interfaces
ifconfig <interface> <ipaddress>
Assign <ipaddress> to <interface>
ip -a address
ip -a -6 address
Show all IP adresses
Show all IPv4 addresses
ip -6 addr add <ipv6address>/<prefixlength> dev <interface>
Add an IPv6 address to <interface>
mii-tool <interface>
Show interface link status (speed)
The interfaces file
apt-get purge network-manager
vi /etc/network/interfaces
auto <interface>             # Boot process waits until the interface is up or a time-out (5 minutes)
allow-hotplug <interface>    # Boot process does not wait for the interface.
iface <interface> inet dhcp
    wpa-ssid <ssid>
    wpa-psk <password>

# To have ipv6 autoconfigured (by radvd) and add own address
iface <interface> inet6 static
    address unique:local:address:prefix:your:own:host:address
    autoconf 1
    netmask 64

# Add another address to <interface>(work for IPv4 addresses too
iface <interface> inet6 static
    address unique:local:address:prefix:your:own:host:address
    netmask 64

# To have ipv6 autoconfigured (by radvd) and query a dhcp-server
iface <interface> inet6 dhcp
    autoconf 1
Disable an interface completely (even not shown by ifconfig)
vi /etc/modprobe.d/blackllst.conf
Put in the driver for your interface like: blacklist ath9k


route add -net default gw <IPaddress>
Add a default route using <IPaddress> as gateway


ssh -L 8080:remotehost:3006 proxy
Login over ssh to proxy and there connect to remotehost port 3006. Connect local port 8080 to the remote connection.
Now if you connect to port 8080 on your local server you are connected to port 3006 on the remotehost
Using -nNT prevents that the ssh command opens a terminal on the proxy. The ssh command however must remain active.


For tracing traffic see Tcpdump