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An opensource private cloud solution [1].


Installation is as simple as deploying a new web-site. Tips for installing on Synology bit outdated using php7

  • The package can be installed in the root of a (virtual) webserver.
  • The configuration is in <webroot>/config/config.php. To (re)start the initialization:
  1. (re)move the config file
  2. delete all tables in the nextcloud database
  3. put a file named CAN_INSTALL in the config directory.
  4. browse to your nextcloud webserver
  • When you have unix-sockets enabled use localhost:<socketpath> as dbhost

Allow larger files to be uploaded

Change php settings:

upload_max_filesize = 16G

post_max_size = 16G As my nextcloud server is a synology diskstation:

vi /volume1/@appstore/PHP7.2/misc/php-fpm.ini

/usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --restart <service>

Change nginx setting for the nextcloud server

client_max_body_size 0

This will disable the checking of body size. The php settings rule.


*/5 * * * * sudo -u http php72 -f /var/www/nextcloud/cron.php
Configure this


sudo -u http php72 /var/www/nextcloud/occ files:scan --all
Rescan all files (update database)
touch <file>
When everything looks OK, you fixed mounts and file permissions, try touch on the client.

A file is reported locked and it is not a file-protection issue

  1. put Nextcloud in maintenance mode: edit config/config.php and change this line:
'maintenance' => true,
  1. Empty table oc_file_locks (the default table prefix is oc_, this prefix can be different or even empty)
  2. disable maintenance mode (undo first step).
'maintenance' => false,