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Line 13: Line 13:
;df = <nowiki>pd.DataFrame([{col1: 1,col2: 2},{col1: 1,col2: 2}],[row1,row2])</nowiki>
;df = <nowiki>pd.DataFrame([{col1: 1,col2: 2},{col1: 1,col2: 2}],[row1,row2])</nowiki>
:Create a dataframe having a list index. The size of index must match the number of rows.
:Create a dataframe having a list index. The size of index must match the number of rows.
Single columns can be addressed by there name like in <code>df.columnname.unique()</code> to get unique values in a column.
Single or multiple columns can be addressed as list like in <code>df.set_index([column1,column2])</code> to set an index over 2 columns.
Line 28: Line 32:
:Return the table index (first column) (class = pandas.core.indexes.base.Index)
:Return the table index (class = pandas.core.indexes.base.Index)
Line 38: Line 42:
:Address a column by its name.
:Redefine the column headers (modifies the dataframe itself, nothing is returned)
:Redefine the column headers (modifies the dataframe itself, nothing is returned)
:Return the dataframe with a new index
:Return the dataframe with a new index composed of 2 columns
:Return the dataframe with a default index (range)
:Return the dataframe with a default index (range)
Line 81: Line 84:
:Apply a function to the dataframe. By default every element of the table.
:Apply a function to the dataframe. By default every element of the table.
;<nowiki>df.apply(lambda x: <function>(x) if x.name in [columnname] else x)</nowiki>
:Apply a function to specified colums
Line 87: Line 92:
;df[columna].mask(df[columna] == origvalue , newvalue, inplace=True)
;df[columna].mask(df[columna] == origvalue , newvalue, inplace=True)
:Change all cells in columa that have origvalue into newvalue (inplace, so in the dataframe itself).
:Change all cells in columa that have origvalue into newvalue (inplace, so in the dataframe itself).
;<nowiki>df.loc[lambda d: d["date"] == pd.to_datetime(df["date"])]</nowiki>
:Do not understand why exactly but this changes the date column (with date-like content) into a timeseries
==Select data==
==Select data==
Line 192: Line 195:
:Return the dataframe with the avarage value of each 5 days.
:Return the dataframe with the avarage value of each 5 days.
==Datetime functions==
:Convert a date sting to datetime
=Reading Data=
=Reading Data=

Revision as of 15:55, 19 July 2020

Check the 10 minutes to Pandas too or pythonexamples.

import pandas as pd
Import the library, we assume this was done on this page


Object for tabular data (that is e.g. obtained by read_html).

Each column is a Pandas#Series

df = pd.DataFrame([{col1: 1,col2: 2},{col1: 1,col2: 2}])
Create a simple dataframe having a range index, 2 rows and 2 columns
df = pd.DataFrame([{col1: 1,col2: 2},{col1: 1,col2: 2}],[row1,row2])
Create a dataframe having a list index. The size of index must match the number of rows.

Single columns can be addressed by there name like in df.columnname.unique() to get unique values in a column.

Single or multiple columns can be addressed as list like in df.set_index([column1,column2]) to set an index over 2 columns.


Information on dataframe (Index, size, datatypes per column)
Return the number of cells in a dataframe
Return the number of rows and columns in a dataframe as tuple.
Return various attributes for numeric columns in the dataframe. This may indicate if there are outlyers.
Return first/last x data rows of df (5 is the default value for x).
Return the table index (class = pandas.core.indexes.base.Index)
Return the column headers (class = pandas.core.indexes.base.Index)
Return the data-type of the columns
Return the data-type of column columnname


Redefine the column headers (modifies the dataframe itself, nothing is returned)
Return the dataframe with a new index composed of 2 columns
Return the dataframe with a default index (range)

Remove row(s) from a dataframe.
Remove columns from a dataframe.
Return rows that have at least x columns with a none-NA value. If x < 2 the threshold can be dropped.
df[[<column1>,<column2>]] = df[[<column1>,<column2>].fillna(<value>)
Return dataframe with all NA-values (in the selected columns) replaced by <value>
table.agg(newname=('columname', np.max))
This sample uses named aggregations, that is only supported from version v0.25
Apply a function to an existing column or the entire dataframe.
Like SQL-join merge on index
Like SQL-join on a column
df.assign(newcolumn = <expression>)
Add column newcolumn to the dataframe
Expression can be a function like "lambda d: d['column'] * <something>"
Apply a function to the dataframe. By default every element of the table.
df.apply(lambda x: <function>(x) if x.name in [columnname] else x)
Apply a function to specified colums
Replace <pattern> with <newvalue> in the entire dataframe
df[columna].mask(df[columna] == origvalue , newvalue, inplace=True)
Change all cells in columa that have origvalue into newvalue (inplace, so in the dataframe itself).

Select data

Use .loc, else colomn-names will be considered too (if I understand this[1] correctly.

Return 3 columns from the dataframe
Return all columns which name matches <regexp>. (axis=1)
df.loc[lambda d: d[colum1] == <value> ]
df.loc[df[colum1] == <value> ]
Return the content of the index (row) as pandas Series or just the named column. [0][0]-form for tables without header or index.
The last 3 forms form selects all rows where column1 equals <value> or do not have a null-value.

See also the pandas series pages

Select all rows in df where fieldname matches regexp. The field must have a string datetype
Select all rows in df where fieldname is bigger than value. The field must have a numeric datetype
Return the rows indicated by <slice> as pandas.Series
Return all rows for which in index matches <regexp> or get only the column of the matched indexes. (axis=0 ) or the indexname(s).
The .index returns the matching indexes as a list.
Return the dataframe sorted on the values in the columns. The second form sorts on column1 first and then on column2, column1 ascending, column2 descending
Return a DataFrameGroupBy object, this is not a dataframe
Return a Numpy array with all distinct values in column 'collname'

Use data

Print 2 attributes for each row
for index, row in df.iterrows():
Print all values for the first row
for column, row in df.iteritems():


Pandas Series online documentation.
A pandas series is a 1 dimensional array with named keys.
Pandas Series have all kind of methods similar to Numpy like main, std, min, max,.... In fact Pandas is using numpy to do this.

s = pd.Series([])
s = pd.Series([valuelist],[indexlist])
Initialize a series. If indexlist is omitted the keys are integers starting at 0.
s[<key>] = <value>
Assign <value> to the series element with key <key>
The order in the series is the order in which they are created, NOT the numeric order.
Elements can be addressed as s[<key>], s.<key> or s[<numkey>]. Where <numkey> is defined by the order the element was created.
Once you have used named keys in a series you cannot create new elements with a numeric key.
All indexes in the series. Can be sliced to find a particular index.
Series statistics

All in 1 example:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series([])
for i in range(50):
    s[i] = int(np.random.random() * 100)

for i in s.index:

Funny, you can do s[0] but not

for i in s:

To get all values from the series you do:

for v in s:

To get the indexes too:

for i in s.index:


Indexes that contains datetime values are automatically casted to a DatetimeIndex.

Return the dataframe with the avarage value of each 5 days.

Datetime functions

Convert a date sting to datetime

Reading Data

Read html tables into a list of dataframes (no header, no index)

Example code. The first line in the table is a header, the first column the index (e.g. dates), decimal specifies the decimal point character.

tables = pd.read_html(url,header=0,index_col=0,decimal=<char>)
Read data from the database opened on cnx (see Python:Databases)
df = pd.read_sql(query,cnx,index_col=['Primarykey'])
Read data from a microsoft Excel file.
Force columns to be read as string
Read data from a file with Character Separated Values