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Check the 10 minutes to Pandas too.

import pandas as pd
Import the library, we assume this was done on this page


Pandas Series online documentation.
A pandas series is a 1 dimensional array with named keys.
Pandas Series have all kind of methods similar to Numpy like main, std, min, max,.... I fact Pandas is using numpy to do this.

s = pd.Series([])
s = pd.Series([valuelist],[indexlist])
Initialize a series. If indexlist is omitted the keys are integers starting at 0.
s[<key>] = <value>
Assign <value> to the series element with key <key>
The order in the series is the order in which they are created, NOT the numeric order.
Elements can be addressed as s[<key>], s.<key> or s[<numkey>]. Where <numkey> is defined by the order the element was created.
Once you have used named keys in a series you cannot create new elements with a numeric key.
All indexes in the series. Can be sliced to find a particular index.
Series statistics

All in 1 example:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
s = pd.Series([])
for i in range(50):
    s[i] = int(np.random.random() * 100)

for i in s.index:

Funny, you can do s[0] but not

for i in s:

To get all values from the series you do:

for v in s:

To get the indexes too:

for i in s.index:


Object for tabular data (that is e.g. obtained by html_read).

Return first 5 data rows of table.
Redefine the column headers
Address a column by its name. Each column is a pandas Series


Read html tables into a list of dataframes

Example code. The first line in the table is a header, the first column the index (e.g. dates), decimal specifies the decimal point character.

tables = pd.read_html(url,header=0,index_col=0,decimal=<char>)