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Create your own classes
Create your own classes
Classes should have
;__init__(self, <parameters that can be provided with default value>)
:Constructor, automatically called when the object is instantiated.
:The namespace of the current instance. Can have any name, 'self' is commonly used.
:Constructor, automatically called when the object is instantiated.
:Returns the string representation of the object. E.g. if you use print(object) or str(object)
All interaction with the object should go via a method, not to variables in the class.

Revision as of 13:54, 15 March 2018

Create your own classes

__init__(self, <parameters that can be provided with default value>)
Constructor, automatically called when the object is instantiated.
The namespace of the current instance. Can have any name, 'self' is commonly used.
Returns the string representation of the object. E.g. if you use print(object) or str(object)

All interaction with the object should go via a method, not to variables in the class.


class Medium:
    def __init__(self, titel='', prijs=0):
        self.titel = titel
        self.prijs = prijs
    def __str__(self):
        return "Titel: {0}\nPrijs: {1:6.2f}".format(self.titel,self.prijs)

    def gettitel(self):
        return self.titel

    def settitel(self, titel):
        self.titel = titel

    def getprijs(self):
        return self.prijs

    def setprijs(self,prijs):
        self.prijs = prijs

    def getall(self):
        return [self.gettitel(),self.getprijs()]