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Most operators work as usual.

Less obvious assignment

<int> * <string>
Repeat <string> <int> times. Negative <int>s return an empty string.
a / b
Divide to floating point. In python2 the result datatype is determined by the arguments datatype i.e. both arguments int => result is int.
a // b
Divide to integer (truncated, not rounded)
a % b
a ** b
a << b
bit-shift left
a >> b
bit-shift right

Self assign

a += b
Add b to a, works with other operators and on strings too.


==, >, <, <=, >=, !=
Just as you would expect


and or &
Logical and
or or |
Logical or
Logical Xor (exclusive or)
Negate the result of the next expression