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:/usr/local/mariadb10/etc/mysql/my.cnf  (customizations)
:/usr/local/mariadb10/etc/mysql/my.cnf  (customizations)
:/var/packages/MariaDB10/etc/my.cnf (synology)
:/var/packages/MariaDB10/etc/my.cnf (synology)
;PHP configuration file for command line invocation

Revision as of 14:30, 18 August 2021

Package management

/usr/syno/bin/synopkg list
List all packages
/usr/syno/bin/synopkg restart MariaDB10
Restart a package

Services management

/usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --status
List al services and their status
/usr/syno/sbin/synoservice --restart <service>
Restart a service
nohup synoservicectl --restart sshd &
Restart ssh deamon (in background as you will be thrown out).


The certificates are stored in /usr/syno/etc/certificate/_archive. The INFO file defines what applications the certificates are used for. The certificates are in subdirectories with a yet unknown naming convention.

This page has some good hardening tips.

Some of the things I did:

  • 2 factor authentication on the web interface
  • Moved ssh to a high port on my router (NAT xxxx -> synology:22) (and disabled from the internet when not needed)
  • Disable HTTP access
  • Installed another webserver as frontend as I doubt synology publishes all security updates in time.
  • Set home directory protection from 755 to 700
  • Disabled admin account


The autoblock feature blocks access from IPaddreses from which too many failed login attempt are done. If the GUI is not available the blocked IPs can be managed from sqlite3

sqlite3 /etc/synoautoblock.db
.header on
select * from AutoBlockIP;
sqlite> select * from AutoBlockIP;
sqlite> delete from AutoBlockIP where IP = “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”;

On DSM 6 the record looks like:
IP | RecordTime | ExpireTime | Deny | IPStd | Type | Meta
<ip>| <epoch> |0=never |0=deny|<IPv6> | 0 |


The syslog databases are in the location you specified for archiving (<path>/<system>/SYNOSYSLOGDB_<system>.DB, use sqlite3 to query it.

The records look like:
id | host | ip | fac | prio | llevel | tag | utcsec | r_utcsec | tzoffset | ldate | ltime | prog | msg

select msg from logs where host = '<hostname>' and prog = '<program>' and ldate = '<YYYY-mm-dd>' and ltime = '<HH:MM:SS>';
echo "select msg from logs where host = '<hostname>' and prog = '<program>' and ldate = '<YYYY-mm-dd>' and ltime = '<HH:MM:SS>';" | sqlite3 <DBfile>


mysql/mariadb command line interface
Maria10db configuration files
/usr/local/mariadb10/etc/mysql/my.cnf (customizations)
/var/packages/MariaDB10/etc/my.cnf (synology)
PHP configuration file for command line invocation