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Lots of confusion going around on the net about installing and using uwsgi. Here my notes.

Used documentation





  • pip3 install uwsgi
  • pip3 install flask



 autoload = true
 no-orphan = true
 emperor = /etc/uwsgi-emperor/vassals
 master = true
 emperor-nofollow = true
 processes = 1
 workers = 2
 uid = www-data
 gid = www-data
 pidfile = /run/uwsgi/pid
 socket = /tmp/%n.sock
 chmod-socket = 666
 chown-socket = www-data
 log-date = false

For all applications you can use this configuration file in /etc/uwsgi-emperor/vassels/app1.ini

 plugins = python3
 master = false
 processes = 1
 vaccum = true
 chmod-socket = 666
 socket = /tmp/%n.sock
 uid = www-data
 gid = www-data
 pythonpath = /opt/flask/%n
 module = %n

The %n will be replaced by the first part of the file-name (app1 in this example). In /opt/flask/app1 you can put your code.


The command is: /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -d --ini /etc/uwsgi-emperor/emperor.ini --log-syslog

This logs to the rsyslog daemon. Add following line to the rsyslogd configuration to have uwsgi log to a different file:

:programname, contains, "uwsgi" /var/log/uwsgi/uwsgi.log


Several suggestions made on the web:

This works:

kill `pidof uwsgi`

Other suggestion that looks cleaner:

uwsgi --stop /run/uwsgi/pid (or whereever your pid-file is)