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Web interface

Sonos speakers have a web interface at http://<sonosIP>:1400/status. You have to use the IP-address, if a hostname is used the sonos will return an error 400 (Bad Request).

Disable wifi

If you have your sonos configured for wifi and want to move to a fixed network just connect a cable to the rj45 on the back of your speaker. Then turn the speaker off and back on. Wait a few minutes (be patient, it really takes more than 2 minutes) before the sonos will be on line again. Now you can disabel wifi using the sonos controller app.

I found websites that describe wifi can be disabled from the web interface too.

  • Turn off until the next reboot: http://<sonosIP>:1400/wifictrl?wifi=off
  • Turn off permanently: http://<sonosIP>:1400/wifictrl?wifi=persist-off
  • Turn it on again: http://<sonosIP>:1400/wifictrl?wifi=on


Sonos speakers with 2 ethernet ports can be used as a switch.